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Ministry & Missions

We pray for and expect the leading of the Holy Spirit of God in interpreting the Scriptures to us in questions of doctrine and practice.

Men who have been prompted by the Holy Spirit, who have demonstrated their call through ministries of teaching and pastoring within the assembly, who are recognized by the believers as spiritual leaders, who meet the criteria set out in Scripture, who are willing to so serve and form "The Board of Elders". They are responsible directly to the Head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ, and will answer to Him at the future Judgement Seat of Christ relative to the leadership they have provided to the believers.

We do not have a clergy; rather we have a "plurality of Elders" who are responsible for the spiritual teaching and the practical ministries of the fellowship.  We are totally autonomous and recognize no governing church body outside of the local assembly.  



Ladies Ministry

The ladies gather once a month at the chapel for fellowship, light refreshments, a devotion, and a craft. They also hold a Christmas banquet, and in June, enjoy a special outing. In the past, this has been a day trip to St. Jacob’s Market, or lunch and a show at the Famous PEOPLE Players theatre.


Boys Club

The Boys Club meets on Fridays from 6pm-8pm, October through May. The activity of the club is basketball and a short devotion. Water is provided. The club is held at Lancaster Public School and serves as an important outreach in the community.


Vacation Bible School (VBS)

VBS is a children’s day camp that occurs during one week in the summer. Volunteers hold VBS at the chapel with no registration fee required. Each day the children enjoy singing, crafts, games, snacks, and a story. This is a well attended, popular children’s event in the summer.


Young Peoples Ministry

Youth group meetings are held Friday evenings, once a month, at the home of the group leaders. The meetings consist of a meal or a snack, followed by a devotion and some games. This is a time of fun & good fellowship.

Canada Day Picnic 2023


❤︎ Help & Support

Malton Bible Chapel is dedicated to serving the needs of the community. Contact Us to learn how to get involved or to find help and support.